When Windows 10 RTM build 10240 was released, the titlebars of all program windows were pure White. It was too much distracting and was annoying a lot of people. Windows 10 users wanted colored titlebars back just like previous Windows versions.
Microsoft finally listened users complaints and the company enabled colors titlebars in program windows in the recently released Windows 10 November Update build 10586 which is also known as Threshold 2 build.
But there is still a minor issue. The new setting only enables colors on titlebars of active i.e. current program window. The titlebar color of all inactive program windows i.e. background windows is still White which is not pleasing many Windows 10 users. Following image shows how the inactive program windows show White titlebar in Windows 10:
We also posted an exclusive tutorial to tweak this colorization feature of Windows 10. With the help of some Registry tweaks you can have colored Taskbar, Start Menu but White titlebar or you can have dark Taskbar, Start Menu with colored titlebar.
Today in this tutorial, we are going to share a small and easy to use Registry tweak which will allow you to get colors on titlebars of inactive program windows as well. With the help of this tutorial, you'll be able to show colors on all program windows whether the window is active or inactive in Windows 10 as shown in following image:
So without wasting time lets share the tweak:
1. Press WIN+R keys together to launch RUN dialog box, type regedit in RUN and press Enter. It'll open Registry Editor.
2. Now go to following key:
3. In right-side pane, create a new DWORD and set its name as AccentColorInactive
4. This new DWORD will set the color of titlebar of all inactive program windows which are shown in background. The value of this DWORD is set by the hexadecimal code of desired color. The value can be given in following format:
Here BB represents Blue, GG represents Green and RR represents Red color value.
You can grab your desired color hexadecimal code from any color website or using an image editing software such as Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, etc.
For example, if you want to have dark black color of active titlebar, set value of AccentColorDWORD to 111111 and you can set AccentColorInactive DWORD value to 666666 for a little bit lighter titlebar of inactive windows.
NOTE: Keep in mind that generally a color code uses RRGGBB format but the above mentioned DWORD accepts the reverse of the code i.e. BBGGRR. So when you grab the hexadecimal code of your desired color, reverse the digits and set it as the value of AccentColorInactive DWORD.
PS: If you want to set inactive window titlebar color same as active window titlebar color, just double-click on AccentColor DWORD present in right-side pane of Registry Editor, copy its value and paste the set in value field of AccentColorInactive DWORD.
5. Close Registry Editor and Windows will immediately start showing your desired color on titlebars of inactive program windows.
If you want to restore default settings in future, just delete the AccentColorInactive DWORD from Registry Editor.
NOTE: If you are not familiar with Registry editing tasks, we are providing ready-made Registry script to set dark black titlebar for active program window and a little bit lighter titlebar for inactive program windows as shown in above image. Download following ZIP file, extract it and run .REG file. It'll ask for confirmation, accept it:
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