Recently an AskVG reader contacted me regarding this annoying issue. The reader wanted to completely disable the screen which appears when you try to log off, restart or shut down in Windows OS and shows a list of apps which are preventing the operation. Actually this screen can be disabled using a simple Registry tweak which has been shared a long time back in following exclusive
Today another reader contacted me regarding same problem, so I decided to create a separate tutorial for it so that it can help other people in addressing the same issue.
Actually it's not a problem or issue. It's a feature by design. This feature is called app manager or program manager. It automatically detects the running apps list as soon as the user performs a power operation such as restart or shut down and if the user has some unsaved work in any app, the program notifies the user about it. This feature shows following message on screen as soon as the user tries to log off, restart or shut down:
Closing apps and shutting down / restarting / signing out
To go back and save your work, click Cancel and finish what you need to.Running app name
This app is preventing shutdown / This app is preventing you from restarting / This app is preventing you from signing out.
Two buttons are given "Shut down / restart / sign out anyway" and "Cancel". You can click on the first button to end task of the running apps and perform power operation. If you want to go back and save the work, you can click on Cancel button.
Following screenshot shows this feature live in action:
If you are also getting this screen frequently and want to turn this feature off, this tutorial will help you.
You can follow these simple steps to disable the annoying "This app is preventing..." message screen:
1. Type regedit in RUN or Start search box and press Enter. It'll open Registry Editor.
2. Now go to following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
3. In right-side pane, right-click on empty area and create a new String AutoEndTasks and set its value to 1
4. That's it. Close Registry Editor and restart your computer to take effect.
Now Windows will automatically end task of all running apps without showing you "This app is preventing..." message on screen whenever you want to sign out, restart or shut down your computer.
If you are worried about editing Registry and want a ready-made Registry script to do the whole task automatically, you can download the Registry script from the "Collection of Registry tweaks" topic mentioned in the beginning of this article.
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