Saturday, May 28, 2016

[Windows Tip] Replace “Ease of Access” Button with Other Programs on Login Screen

A few years back I posted a tutorial about changing action of "Ease of Access" aka "Accessibility" button at Login Screen. In that tutorial, I provided a simple trick to replace the "Ease of Access" button with any desired program such as Command Prompt, Calculator, any web browser or other desired programs. Using that trick you were able to launch your desired program at login screen by clicking on "Ease of Access" button without actually signing into Windows OS.

But in that tutorial, you had to replace a system file "utilman.exe" in "System32" folder with the EXE file of your desired program. Today in this tutorial, I'm going to share another easy to follow and simple trick to replace "Ease of Access" button's action on Login Screen. With the help of this new trick, you'll be able to launch any desired program from Login Screen and you'll not need to replace any system file. We are going to use a simple Registry tweak in this tutorial shared by our reader "Vincent".
This trick will work in Windows Vista and all later Windows versions such as Windows 7/8/8.1 and Windows 10. If you also want to launch any desired program using "Ease of Access" button at Login Screen, following steps will help you:
1. Press WIN+R keys together to launch RUN dialog box. Now type regedit in RUN and press Enter. It'll open Registry Editor.
2. Now go to following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options
3. Under Image File Execution Options key, create a new key and set its name asutilman.exe
4. Select utilman.exe key and in right-side pane, create a new String and set its name asDebugger
5. Now the final step! Double-click on Debugger string and set its value to the full path of your desired program's EXE file. If you want to launch Command Prompt, Calculator, Notepad, Paint or any other system program, you can use the direct EXE file name of those programs as the value of Debugger string such as cmd.exe or calc.exe or notepad.exe, etc.
But if you want to launch programs such as Internet Explorer or any other 3rd party software, then you'll need to provide full path of that program's exe file as value of Debugger string such as C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe for launching Internet Explorer.
That's it. Now lock your computer or log off from the current session and click on "Ease of Access" button at Login Screen. It'll immediately launch your desired program without any need to sign into Windows.


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