UPDATED on Feb 01, 2016: Windows 10 upgrade is now available as a "Recommended Update" for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users. If you don't want to upgrade to Windows 10, check out the steps given below to prevent your computer from automatically upgrading to Windows 10.
When Microsoft released Windows 10 operating system to public and announced the free upgrade offer for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users, they released a special program called "Get Windows 10" which was created to help users in upgrading their computers to Windows 10 easily. It was a good initiative but for those people who didn't want to upgrade to Windows 10, it was just an annoying icon sitting in Taskbar notification area.
It helped those people who were not willing to upgrade to the new Windows 10 OS. But now another new thing is coming to force you to upgrade your computer to Windows 10.
Recently Microsoft announced that very soon they are going to release Windows 10 as an "Optional Update" for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users which means if you are using Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 operating system, you'll see Windows 10 an an optional update listed in available Windows updates in coming days. Since it'll be an optional update, it'll not be selected by default. Hence it'll not be downloaded and installed until you manually select it. That's OK.
But Microsoft also said that in the beginning of next year i.e. 2016, they'll release Windows 10 as "Recommended Update" for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users which means the update may be selected by default and the full Windows 10 setup files (offline ISO file) may be automatically downloaded on your computer without your knowledge.
Why? Because by default Windows Update is set to "Install updates automatically" option which means Windows automatically downloads and installs new updates on your computer including recommended updates (based upon the settings). So when Windows 10 will be released as recommended update, it'll be automatically downloaded on your computer which will consume a big amount of your valuable Internet connection and if you are using an Internet connection with data limit, you'll be in big trouble.
Although Microsoft said that once Windows 10 is downloaded on your computer, it'll prompt you to install it and you can accept or decline the installation but it'll be a complete waste of your Internet connection bandwidth if you don't want to upgrade to Windows 10.
Now there are two cases:
CASE 1: If you want to upgrade to Windows 10, you don't need to worry about anything. When Microsoft will release Windows 10 update, just upgrade your computer to Windows 10. Simple.
CASE 2: But if you are satisfied with your existing operating system and don't want to upgrade to Windows 10, then you should definitely follow the steps given in this tutorial to stop the upcoming automatic and forced Windows 10 upgrade in your computer:
You just need to adjust Windows Update settings in your computer to prevent the automatic upgrade to Windows 10. Just follow these simple steps:
1. Open Control Panel and click on Windows Update icon. Alternatively, you can direct launch Windows Update using wuapp.exe command in RUN dialog box or Start search box.
2. Now click on "Change Settings" link present in left sidebar. It'll open Windows Update settings page.
PS: You can directly launch Windows Update settings page by running following command in RUN dialog box:
explorer shell:::{36EEF7DB-88AD-4E81-AD49-0E313F0C35F8}\pageSettings
3. Now first disable "Give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates" option. If you disable this checkbox, Windows 10 update will not be automatically downloaded on your computer.
4. Now also change "Important updates" option to "Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them" from the drop-down box. This way, all future updates will not be downloaded automatically. Instead Windows will notify you that new updates are available and then you can select which updates you want to install. I always keep this option selected in all computers. In my opinion that's the best and safest way to install Windows updates in any computer.
Now you'll have full control over new Windows updates and you'll be able to decide which updates you want to install in your computer. Now when Windows 10 update becomes available and if you don't want to install it, either leave the update unchecked (deselected) or right-click on the update and select "Hide update" option and Windows will not notify you again about this update.
That's it. These steps will make sure that no automatic Windows 10 upgrade is going to happen in your computer and will prevent your computer from downloading the huge Windows 10 update when it becomes available.
But I'll advise you to upgrade your computer to Windows 10, I'm using it as my primary OS and its awesome, believe me...
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