Here is another interesting and useful Registry tweak for Windows 10 to tweak the appearance of context menu (right-click menu) on Desktop as well as in Explorer. If you remember Microsoft replaced the default context menu which appears when you right-click on Desktop or inside any folder with a new immersive or modern style context menu inInsider Preview build 10532. The new immersive context menu was huge in size as there was lots of gap between options and the context menu was taking big space on screen.
Lots of people complained about the new immersive context menu and Microsoft fixed the context menu in the new build 10565. Microsoft didn't restore the classic context menu but the company modified the new immersive context menu to look very close to the classic context menu as shown in following image:
The same immersive context menu is also present in the recently released Windows 10 November Update build. So if you are using Windows 10 and if you have fully updated it, you must be using the same November Update build.
A few hours back we shared a small batch file to disable dark and modern context menu in Windows 10 Taskbar:
Now we are going to share a similar tweak but this time the trick applies to Desktop and Explorer context menus.
In this tutorial, we'll share a small Registry tweak to bring back the classic context menu on Desktop and inside Explorer in Windows 10. The classic context menu looks better in my opinion. It contains small arrow symbols to indicate sub-menus and also features better highlight color for options. The separators are also better looking in classic context menu.
Following image shows the difference between both context menus:
The default immersive context menu is shown on left-side and the classic context menu is present on the right-side.
If you also want to restore classic context menu in Windows 10, check out following simple steps:
1. Press WIN+R keys together to launch RUN dialog box. Now type regedit in RUN and press Enter. It'll open Registry Editor.
2. Now go to following key:
3. In right-side pane, create a new DWORD ImmersiveContextMenu and leave its value to 0
4. Close Registry Editor. You'll need to restart or log off to apply changes. Alternatively, you can also restart
That's it. Now you'll see the classic context menu on Desktop and in Explorer.
PS: If you want to restore new immersive context menu in future, delete the new DWORD created in step 3.
NOTE: If you are not familiar with Registry editing tasks, we are also providing ready-made Registry script to do the task automatically. Download following ZIP file, extract it and run .REG file. It'll ask for confirmation, accept it:
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